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Veiled - disguised: not open or direct, but disguised or suggested


Accusation - an allegation that a person is guilty of some fault, offense, or crime; imputation


"If” - an indication of perhaps whatever you are being told is untrue


"If You are…” - an indication that perhaps you don’t really believe it


"If” You are, who You were told, how come you are being allowed to go through what you are going through?


"If” You are…do you really have any power at all?


It's time to discern the voice of the accuser! Many time times the voice of accusation comes through "common sense" and the "voice of reason" and it feels as if it is coming from within. Let Dr. Mark take you step by step to understand how the voice of accusation can come to hold us back and keep us bound.  

The Veiled Voice of The Accuser | 4 Dvd's

SKU: 40176
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